Subject: Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) “Dangerous” breed dogs in
For the attention to: The Honourable Jens Stoltenberg Prime Minister and the honourable Peder Brekk the Minister of Agriculture and Food Lars.
Honourable Prime
Minister and Minister:
My name is Mariano Peinado and I am writing to
you from
I have the honour to be the president of the INTERNATIONAL
honour to write to you in the name of all FIAPBT
& IADCRO´S Members and the animal rights
lovers distributed around the world which endorse our work. I send you this
information for your amiable consideration.
Located in
In IADCRO we are people with more of 40 years
inside of dogs and IADCRO is composing by
professional technicians around the dog like for example; ethology scientists people,
naturalistic, veterinary, university professors specialized in genetics,
breeders, trainers, biologists, etc.
The reason to communicate with you, is for to give you and
executive team some suggestions if
you allow us, of course, we would tell you that in our humble opinion about the breeds dogs banned in Norway, the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) and the American Staffordshire Terrier
(AST), showing
to us their malaise and preoccupation by their doggies which are considered
member of their own families same people of your country.
The information that I come to provide to you, comes from several
professional sectors of the canine union of several countries, that show their
opinion under the experience acquired in the course of theirs lives, about the
existence or not existence of “Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous” breed dogs.
The professionals more remarkable than guarantee this information, are those
that are more than enabled to advise to the executive, with respect to the
existence or not of Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous breed dogs and it has
not considered to them to advise, I talk about the
information that the ethology scientists people provide to us. The ethology scientists people, are the scientific professionals more indicated
and better qualified to talk and to advise about the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) and the others
breed dogs, since they have studied during many years the character and behavior of the APBT and its surroundings.
Ethology is the science as
you know, that studies the behavior of the free animal
and, when it does with domestic animals (as it is the case of the dog) realises
it since the approach of applied Ethology. Several ethology scientists people of different
countries, have declared publicly from
point of view scientific, that none breed dog
are not a dangerous, nor the American Pit Bull Terrier for being the worse breed dog considered between the rest
of breed dogs, is not either a dangerous breed
dog, is a breed dog like any other within species canine and that
everything will depend by all means for the dog will be dangerous or no, on the
surroundings in which it grows up, and on the education that received by its
owner, unique person in charge of
the damages who could make his animal, like the father is it with his minor
son. Also the ethology scientists people emphasize, the nonconvenience
of classifying or of cataloguing breed dogs in negative way, so that it goes to
the detriment of this marvellous and noble breed dogs and it confused to the citizens,
to the point to even cause an unwarranted social alarm, quite harmful in
several aspects for the own society.
Association for the Study of the Dog and its Surroundings (AEPE)
Mr. Antonio Pozuelos President (AEPE) and one of the higher recognized ethology scientist people of international scope, In our opinion he is the
most recognized, not only by the knowledge and experience that owns in almost
the 40 years studying the dogs daily of all breed dogs, also by his human
In order to resist the information that I make
arrive to you, your Government team also can contact with infinity of ethology scientists people through the following electronic direction:
I have provided our research data on the bite stats
for several Cities and countries further in this correspondence, because is
good idea for to open eyes to incredulous and sceptical people, so we think that would be a good idea that would not be to discriminate
and to catalogue breed dogs like Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous, only would
should be to describe in the Law to
the Potentially Dangerous dog like individual and by his activities of behavior, independently the size without giving importance
if the dog is of one or the other breed dog or mixed dog. Also we think that would be a good idea to
describe in the Law to the owner
irresponsible of dog, for this way fomenting and teaching to be good responsible owners of dog and to describe in the Law too, the activities
realised with dogs contemplated like crime, like for example it could be the
organized fights with dogs or other activities in which mistreats or the life
of the dog is put in risk.
Our thinking is that all breeds can be
dangerous or none, that the only means to identify what is or is not a
dangerous dog like individual is by his behaviour and not by his breed.
attacks of dog to people):
Some countries that had adopted negative Laws against
American Pit Bull Terrier and others
different breed dogs, but since many years ago and not of now, concretely since
the year 1991 as it is the case of England,
in 1993 the case of Holland, in 1998
Italy, Bermuda, etc. After to have studied the Governments of this Countries
the information that from IADCRO we made them arrive at the same time and, to
the salary verified by their own eyes the inefficiency of this type of Laws
that criminalizes and excludes
American Pit Bull Terrier and others
breed dogs of their corresponding countries, included/understood the total
inefficiency of the Law when not offering security to their citizens, since the
statistics of attacks of dogs to people of his country indicated that not only
it had not been reduced the attacks, quite the opposite, had been increased the
attacks and the deaths although to
have excluded American Pit Bull
Terrier and the others breed dogs of all their national territory, since the
attacks were produced by dogs of any breed dogs and its mixed.
The governors of these countries, understood the
necessity of the creation of a Law that did not name “Dangerous or Potentially
Dangerous” breed and the correct way is foment
and teach to be a RESPONSIBLE dog
owner, without mattering if them were American Pit Bull Terrier owners or a Cocker
owners, because a Cocker into the hands of an IRRESPONSIBLE owner, also can bring about deaths of people, not only
by accidents of traffic when trying to run over to the animal, also by the
mortal bit that can cause these dogs of small size to young children, which
although are young are people also as all we know.
We are very glad when we can read in the news that the Government of these Countries
told in public that the BSL don´t work and is not
good for the security of the citizens:
1 - Annulled the Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) “Dangerous breed dogs” by its inefficiency in
I give to you and your executive team all the
papers regarding Pit Bull Law Holland. In our opinion is
The Report of the Committee of
Wise led to the amendment of the law. This report was an investigation into the
actual number of breeds of dog bite incidents. It was clear that the American Pit bull Terrier is not in the top 3.
I send you the links so you these
documents in your possession. Here you can find all documents that led to the
creation of legislation and the abolition. These
are all Parliamentary documents of the
The report which led to the amendment of the Law can be
found here Pitbull "Dog Bites in better
Also I
would like you to give the link to the movie channel at youtube:
In that video you can find the movies from the first American Pit Bull Terrier shows in the
2 - Annulled the Breed Specific
Legislation (BSL) “Dangerous breed dogs” by its inefficiency in
3 - Annulled the Breed Specific
Legislation (BSL) “Dangerous breed dogs” by its inefficiency in
rectify it is of wise people” and this attitude, the citizens values it and is thankful for it.
The breed dogs does not make bad dogs, is the
people (Irresponsible and bad owners) that make it that way. Then the
problem, We think would be due to take a cut from
the root, condemning to the irresponsible owners of dog, instead of
condemning some breed dogs.
The people that are banned the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier in all the territory of Norway, when
happened a time under this prohibit Law and by their own experience verify that
the attacks of dogs to people instead to be reduced the real thing is that the
attacks of dogs to people were increased, by the ineffective of this Law, then
What do they will do? Be eliminating more breed dogs one in one until reaching
more that the 400 existing breed dogs and that are equipped with a physically
strength even to kill an adult and strong man? And with the crossings of all
these 400 breed dogs, What do they will do? so that the crossings of these more
400 breed dogs also are more than enabled even to physically to kill an adult
and strong man. We know that it is a difficult
And with almost of the 200 breed dogs that although are not enabled to
physically to kill an adult and strong man, they are enabled for kill of small
children, What are going to make then with these almost 200 small breed dogs,
would eliminate also them one in one? And its crossings? We know that it is a difficult question too. The small children are people
also, in addition they are those that more undergo the attacks of the dogs and
those that pass away more in these unfortunate accidents, which by the way are
not American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT)
and the American Staffordshire Terrier, but so that the news runs as the powder
and is saleable for the hearing, one names almost always to that two breed dogs
as the cause of the attack to people, and this is not true. Therefore, enough
people think that only this two breed dogs is the cause of the attacks to the
The honourable people that are banned these three noble breed dogs in
Not only attacks two breed dogs, attack all the breed dogs
and their crossings if they are in
irresponsible hands. Or all the breed dogs and their crossings are
dangerous or none. In IADCRO we thought that no breed dog is dangerous or
potentially dangerous. We think that the cause for the dogs attack the human,
everything is going to depend on the
control, education and responsibility that offers the owner to his dog and
is in this indeed, where the Law must thoroughly have applied. These two noble
breed dogs, the American Pit Bull Terrier and
the American Staffordshire Terrier, which indeed the
are being used to realise all type of social workings for benefit of the
humanity, like for example:
Attended Physical and Psychic Handicappeds using American PIT BULL Terrier.
By the all this the International American
Pit Bull Terrier Federation (FIAPBT),
Officially Certificated in the year 2000 to the breed dog American Pit Bull
Terrier, like “HUMANITY BENEFICIAL BREED DOG”. From IADCRO & FIAPBT and others Institutions, Clubs, Associations
around the dogs, we endorsed and we supported this positive cataloguing without
doubt to the breed dog American Pit Bull Terrier, for being deserving of
her and to be the worst breed dog considerate of all breed dogs in this
remember that the dogs have been always from the beginnings of the humanity,
the best friend of the man, facilitating to us company, security and food for
can to eat day to day for our survival.
We can observe, that in some
countries where some breed dogs were catalogued like “Potentially Dangerous”,
the attacks of dogs to people with the spend of the years after to be implanted the Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) “Dangerous”
breed dogs” the attacks of dogs to people
not only did not fall, unfortunately were increased and by breed dogs that are
not considered " Dangerous", as always it had been ocurred. Of it has comes the disappointment from many ex-owners
of dogs in owning dogs, when they at the time acquired dogs of breeds
catalogued like very good and helpful, used even like dogs for blind people,
like they are the Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Collie, etc. and could
verify in his own meats, that these dogs educated incorrectly were very
dangerous with the adult and young people. For this reason from IADCRO we suggest to you, that the Law would not must to discriminate
breeds dogs and yes, would be needed to foment and teaching to be a responsible
owner of dog, indifferently the breed dog that the
Norway dog owners
Acting in this sens Honourable
Jens Stoltenberg and honourable Peder Brekk, in our opinion will
be able to offer a greater protection to the citizens and at the same time,
also a greater protection to the dogs would be provided.
IADCRO´S Members and the animal rights lovers distributed around the world and
endorse our work, we would be very much thankful to you if you would can
considered our information of this letter, for that the American Pit Bull Terrier and the American
Staffordshire Terrier stops being prohibited in your
country and describing in the Law to the Dangerous dogs but
always like individual one and by his activities of behavior and not by its breed, giving importance to teach and fomenting to the RESPONSIBLE owner in the Law and not give importance to the size, the
breed or the mestization and since that moment, the
Law would begin to be effective and giving security for the citizens. The Law instead
of to be called Breed Specific Legislation (BSL), would pass to denominate Dog
Specific Legislation (DSL).
Best kind of regards.
President of IADCRO & FIAPBT
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