(Screen Resolution 1280 X 800 Pixels) The last Updated: December 19, 2018.

This Web site may be deleted at any time for those who are against the FREEDOM, the DEMOCRACY and the TRUTH, like has recently happened. We will try to keep it for as long time as we can. For this reason, we recommend to you that you save the information in your own computers which appears here and would interest it to you before it could be re-deleted, and if you could share it, best for everyone, best for you, for your loved ones and especially best for the JUSTICE, the FREEDOM and The TRUTH.


@ ISRAEL and PALESTINE: https://www.fiapbt.net/loveandpeace.html


@ The PALESTINE REPARATION, It is the EVERYONE REPARATION!!! https://www.fiapbt.net/reparation.html And in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=423655563636658


@ The 3 Great ROTHSCHILD SCAMS that were the foundation to create the FALSE Israel state; The BALFOUR DECLARATION, the LofN and the UN: https://www.fiapbt.net/declaration.html


@ DIFFERENCE between True and False Jews. The ROTHSCHILD familyhttps://www.fiapbt.net/true&fakejews.html


- JESUS CHRIST or JESUS CHRIST, BUDDHA, CONFUCIUS, ENOC, THALES of MILETO, PYTHAGORAS, ABRAHAM or BRAHMA, ZARATHUSTRA, MITRA, LAO TSE, KRISHNA, MOHAMMED, etc, revealed The Secretof the LAW OF ATTRACTION in his days, which governing THE 7 UNIVERSALS LAWS, because the true God (Pure LOVE essence and good intentions towards the neighbor) is the same in all places but with different names: http://youtu.be/15qwOiwCe-0 (JESUS CHRIST) - http://youtu.be/iigd19M0tcI (BUDDHA)


Pythagoras, Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein among many other outstanding minds throughout the course of history, them was agree that to EAT ANIMALS would be the RUIN of HUMANITY and the PLANET: http://www.fiapbt.net/pythagoras.html


- BIOGRAFÍA DE PITÁGORAS: http://www.fiapbt.net/libropitagoras.html




In Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/271421886132/photos/a.451449941132.245086.271421886132/10153349774551133/?type=1&theater


"In order to understand the issues that occur in the present time, we must look at and to understand the past history, and in this way to can understand in a more appropriate way, how to build a just and decent future for all inhabitants of the planet.

Right now today, we are living an extraordinary and divine dawn, which was prophesied by the Mayans. A time very different from that experienced in any other era lived in the mankind history. This is a time where NOTHING and NOBODY can continue hiding the TRUTH in the present time, in the past and future." (m.p.)


STATEMENT  come directly since the well-intentioned inspiration, which is AIMED at the leaders of all the churches whose historical roots are in the NICEA COUNCIL I: www.iadcro.com/comunicado.html


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                             Jesus Christ said: “The TRUTH will make you FREE” (John 8:32)


- JESUS CHRIST, ALBERT EINSTEIN, MARTIN LUTHER KING, MALCOM X, NELSON MANDELA, MAHATMA GHANDI, ABRAHAM LINCOLN and JIMMY CARTER have something important to tell us: http://www.iadcro.com/stopbilderberg.html - http://www.iadcro.com/Jesuschrist.html


THE LIE WE LIVE, the BILDERBERGS. WALKING BACK TO HOME, expanding CONSCIENCE. VIDEOS: (1/2) http://youtu.be/_1SC9ccIjEo (2/2) https://youtu.be/8nTJ6SwRKuI



NICAEA COUNCIL I, the last days of the bigest SWINDLE in all the history of mankind. VIDEO: http://youtu.be/4IvYyGP7RUI

In nowadays of the year 2015, incredibly the harmful decrees taken in this NICAEA COUNCIL I in 325 AD., which were the fruit of the FALSEHOOD and the LIE, even KEEPING because the current PHARISEES FALSE JEWS Zionist AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG (The ROTHSCHILD, the ROCKEFELLER, the MORGAN, the MOSES, etc.) with even more intensity than when it was created by order of the PUPPET of that moment of the PHARISEES FALSE JEWS, the roman emperor CONSTANTINE I. It's not a crisis, it is a SWINDLE!!! 

This information Report has been sent on May 22, 2015 from IADCRO and FIAPBT to Pope Francis at the Vatican, to the different bishoprics, the government institutions, all political parties, to INDIGNANTS platforms social networks, researchers and intellectuals of all kinds and thousands of national and international media, so in honour to the truth they all will have their timely knowledge, they contemplate and consider the way they see fit and their conscience dictates them. In Madrid, on May 22, 2015.




                                                                       Fresco depicting the NICAEA COUNCIL I.



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NICAEA COUNCIL I - CONSTANTINE I, the bigest SWINDLE in all the history of mankindVIDEO: http://youtu.be/4IvYyGP7RUI

Did you know that before the first NICAEA COUNCIL I ALL Christians worshiped Jesus Christ as a Holy Prophet, entirely human, born on August 21?

Always is the same history, not only with Jesus Christ, also it happened with Horus, Mithra, Budda, Krishna, Heracles, Adonis, Tammud, Attis, Prometeo, Dionisio, Zarathurstra, etc. All them born on December 25, with identical or very similar stories. Coincidence? Of course not. The Pharisees Zionists Ashkenazi BILDERBERG are playing with the humanity for thousands of years ago along the lines of its leaders Anunnaki / Enlil



The cruel SWINDLE that made the PHARISEES FALSE JEWS from Israel carrying Jesus Christ to the Cross, and the cruel SWINDLE still being made by their descendants in nowadays, which are the same PHARISEES FALSE JEWS Zionists AshkeNAZI BILDERBERG to the world citizens, making believing to them that this is a CRISIS, when the reality is that it is their global SWINDLE regarding their FEDERAL RESERVE, their FALSE FLAGS and especially anything related to their NEW WORLD ORDER with their PARTNERS or PUPPETS without CONSCIENCE (Obama, Merkel, Cameron, Rajoy, Hollande, Lagarde, NATO, the CIA, the WORLD BANK, IMF, EC, ECB, WHO, etc.) which them use to get it. Meanwhile them, the same current FALSE JEWS, stay in the shade watching and enjoying the consequences of their cruel deeds generated to humanity in different ways.

http://www.iadcro.com/EASYANDQUICKUNDERSTANDING.html --  http://www.iadcro.com/STOPBILDERBERG.html -- http://www.iadcro.com/Jesuschrist.html


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                                 "Saint" PAUL (The IMPOSTOR and LIAR)


The FOUNDATIONS of the new religion of the Roman Emperor CONSTANTINE I, the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, created during the NICAEA COUNCIL I, were based on the FALSE DOCTRINE PAULINE of the PHARISEE FALSE JEWISH and FALSE CHRISTIAN Saul Paul of Tarsus, known by the CATHOLIC CHURCH like "Saint" PAUL and known by the apostles of JESUS, like PAUL the IMPOSTOR and LIAR. "Saint" PAUL was the more substantial Christians TRAITOR, about the MESSAGE and the TRUE TEACHINGS of the life and work of JESUS, one of the best tools of the DEVIL = Anunnaki / Enlil.


Paulo Saul of Tarsus "Saint" PAUL, was a Jewish sect of the PHARISEES and for quite time, he was persecuting and killing Christians. The PHARISEE leader Gamaliel I, called Rabbi and teacher of "Saint" PAUL, understood that Paulo Saul of Tarsus "Saint" PAUL, could do realize much better his job (to destroy the Christianity) because his youth and strength, if he instructed him to infiltrate between the Christians as he did himself for a while.


http://www.corazones.org/santos/pablo_tarso.jpg Saint” PAUL, Artist: Carlo Crivelli, 1473. http://www.corazones.org/santos/pablo2_sm.jpg Saint” PAUL in the Square Saint Peter, Vatican. christusrex

The rest about NICAEA COUNCIL I you can see it in Internet translater, sorry; https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iadcro.com%2Fnicea.html&edit-text  The original write about NICAEA COUNCIL I in Spanish is NEXT BELOW: http://www.iadcro.com/nicea.html Could anyone translate in english this story please? Contact: iadcro@iadcro.com Thank you in advance. WE ARE ALL ONE!!!


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Short reasoning about WHY HAS BEEN REACHED THE CURRENT ROTTEN AND DEHUMANIZED SOCIAL SYSTEM: http://www.iadcro.com/thecause.html


For these and many other reasons, to recover the SOCIAL WELFARE STOLEN is required NEEDED and URGENTLY by a SOCIAL SYSTEM CHANGE RIGHT NOW!!! http://www.iadcro.com/cclubbilderberg3.html 




In Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/271421886132/photos/a.451449941132.245086.271421886132/10152856136846133/?type=1&theater

MASS KILLINGS: http://www.iadcro.com/chemtrails2.html


http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3e/Byzantinischer_Mosaizist_um_1000_002.jpg/250px-Byzantinischer_Mosaizist_um_1000_002.jpg CONSTANTINE I “the Great summoned the bishops of the Christian Church to the NICAEA COUNCIL I (mosaic in Hagia Sophia, Constantinople (Istanbul), ca. 1000).


http://www.iadcro.com/EASYANDQUICKUNDERSTANDING.html --  http://www.iadcro.com/STOPBILDERBERG.html -- http://www.iadcro.com/Jesuschrist.html


image033 - copiahttp://www.iadcro.com/nicea.html

Emperor CONSTANTINE I and the NICAEA COUNCIL I. The burning of Arian books is illustrated below. Drawing on vellum. From MS CLXV, Biblioteca Capitolare, Vercelli, a compendium of canon law produced in northern Italy ca. 825.

The synod of Nicaea, CONSTANTINE I and the condemnation and burning of Arian books, illustration from a northern Italian compendium of canon law, ca. 825


The rest about NICAEA COUNCIL I you can see it in Internet translater, sorry; https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iadcro.com%2Fnicea.html&edit-text  The original write about NICAEA COUNCIL I in Spanish is NEXT BELOW: http://www.iadcro.com/nicea.html Could anyone translate in english this story please? Contact: iadcro@iadcro.com Thank you in advance. WE ARE ALL ONE!!!


              Christ among the Doctors



Hoffman (1926) shows lawyers in the four stages of their careers learning from the boy Jesus.


- JESUS CHRIST or JESUS CHRIST, BUDDHA, CONFUCIUS, ENOC, THALES of MILETO, PYTHAGORAS, ABRAHAM or BRAHMA, ZARATHUSTRA, MITRA, LAO TSE, KRISHNA, MOHAMMED, etc, revealed The Secretof the LAW OF ATTRACTION in his days, which governing THE 7 UNIVERSALS LAWS, because the true God (Pure LOVE essence and good intentions towards the neighbor) is the same in all places but with different names: http://youtu.be/15qwOiwCe-0 (JESUS CHRIST) - http://youtu.be/iigd19M0tcI (BUDDHA) ---- http://www.iadcro.com/nicea.html


SCIENTIFICALLY proven the many positive effects on humanity exercised since The MEDITATION. How to MEDITATE in the right way? Change you yourself!!! VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY_JmOtTfx8&feature=youtu.be


Needed URGENT the help to the MEDITATORS of good intention wherever they are, to centralize the MEDITATION steadily in positive way in the development GLOBAL SYSTEM CHANGE for the humanity and the mother earth as quickly as possible, then, with the effort of ALL, we´ll can get to avoid much damage to the planet and much needless suffering of those who inhabit it.

By the NONVIOLENCE and the WORLD PEACE!!! https://www.facebook.com/271421886132/photos/a.451449941132.245086.271421886132/10153652567361133/?type=1&theater THOUSANDS OF THANKS TO EVERYONE!!!

                   "Edmond Bordeaux Szekely"
        Edmond Bordeaux Szekely



THE ESSENE GOSPEL OF PEACE, BOOK I: http://seekeronline.info/journals/y2004/oct04.html


edmond-autograph[1] Edmond Bordeaux Szekely in 1936.



In Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/271421886132/photos/a.451449941132.245086.271421886132/10152856136846133/?type=1&theater


- STAND UP SPANISH CITIZEN REVOLUTION, MAY 2, 1808 = STAND UP INTERNATIONAL CITIZEN REVOLUTION IN NOWADAYS: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iadcro.com%2Flevantamiento.html&edit-text Original wrote in Spanish: http://www.iadcro.com/levantamiento.html


- 00 00 00 MICHAEL JACKSON - I need you to know that this is very important what we are fighitng for because[1] http://www.iadcro.com/mj.html


- FOR A SOCIAL SYSTEM CHANGE, RIGHT NOW!!! http://www.iadcro.com/cclubbilderberg3.html 


- PALESTINE HISTORY: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iadcro.com%2Fhistoriadepalestina.htm&edit-text  Original wrote in Spanish: http://www.iadcro.com/historiadepalestina.htm


image013 http://www.iadcro.com/organizationcb.html


These photography´s men (elements) are just some of the 75 most important sickly members fixed that composing the Club BILDERBERG. The ethics and The RIGHT indicates to the good people with empathy and good intentions, that we must to spread massively and report these individuals to the International society to know them publicly, to expose his plot New World Order is doing so much damage to the citizens of all countries of the World.


    THE FEDERAL RESERVE (The crux of the matter) and the FALSE FLAGS http://www.iadcro.com/falseflags.html


Copia de - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AVISO EN INGLES http://www.iadcro.com/organizationcb.html



VIDEO: http://youtu.be/KX1QIzwA8k0


VIDEO: http://youtu.be/EJ--x4409cA


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUA0S-BLUZ0





- JESUS CHRIST or JESUS CHRIST, BUDDHA, CONFUCIUS, ENOC, THALES of MILETO, PYTHAGORAS, ABRAHAM or BRAHMA, ZARATHUSTRA, MITRA, LAO TSE, KRISHNA, MOHAMMED, etc, revealed The Secretof the LAW OF ATTRACTION in his days, which governing THE 7 UNIVERSALS LAWS, because the true God (Pure LOVE essence and good intentions towards the neighbor) is the same in all places but with different names: http://youtu.be/15qwOiwCe-0 (JESUS CHRIST) - http://youtu.be/iigd19M0tcI (BUDDHA)


JESUS CHRIST said: “The TRUTH will make you FREE (John 8:32)

Dear friends, some people ask us for advices about how can be positive in theirs lifes and how they could do to make for “The Secret” of the Law of Attraction will work properly in their lives.

Well, this is a good and difficult question at the same time, because each person is a different world to the other. Patience, strength, good intention with others and to oneself, truth and hope, looking good and positive side of everything around us and trying to take only the good things, we think are good recommendations.

We think that a very good recommendation if is not the best, is be wrap in LOVE, since the LOVE attracts more LOVE and the LOVE is the essence of all things, more than enough like to change in positive any kind of life. However, we think we should control our ego if we do not want that the ego will control our lives. GOD = LOVE = ESSENCE OF ALL THINGS.

“The Secret” of the Law of Attraction is an optimistic and hope message for many people. “The Secret” of the Law of Attraction explains that we are what we think, that our destiny is a mirror of our thoughts. After this, our lives and our destiny depend on the ability of each one to develop the teaching of The Secret.

Pratik[1] - copia The PRATIK symbol (Path of Bliss)

@ 11 Simple steps to help you to use the SECRET: http://youtu.be/9kRINiKO5KQ 

In our opinion if little to little we learn to channeling our thoughts in positive, gradually our lives will be converted into positive, precisely in the reflection of our thoughts. The positive vibrations attract into our lives the positive place, and the negative vibrations attract the negative, we think it is not difficult to understand it.

This law is "The Secret" that, according to the argument, "has traveled through centuries to reach you." The principles of the "Law of Attraction" raise the feelings and thoughts of the people are reflected in their lives as facts, from interactions with the cosmos to interactions among individuals in the physical, emotional and profesional.

We think that God do not want that we will be machines or robots. God wants that we enjoy of FREEDOM, having will FREE to DECIDE for ourselves between right and wrong, assuming the consequences of our decisions.

“The Secret” of the Law of Attraction does not replace God, neither nullifies God, nor contradicts God. Ourself do not need to see to God to believe more in God than right now we believe in Him, and of course, every day we try to choose doing “The Secret” of the Law of Attraction in positive way. God and “The Secret” of the Law of Attraction are different matters, of course.

God loves that the humans we do good and positive things and making “The Secret” of the Law of Attraction in positive way, God is happy and enjoy with all that we do it every day, simply because “The Secret” of the Law of Attraction in positive way is a good thing.

GOD is happy watching that we decided to be better people, people in positive towards others and ourselves and “The Secret” of the Law of Attraction in positive, It is simply a tool that helps us to realize ourselves in this way so wonderful. GOD = LOVE = ESSENCE OF ALL THINGS.

"When you begin to understand THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, you will know that you are the creator of your reality.

The Universe forces respond to the thoughts that you put in action. For every negative thought that comes to my mind I say: Get out!

To no person, to no place and in none circumstances I allow that have power in negative in me, because in my life I'm the one who makes the decisions and I´m who can control my mind in the direction that I wish, guide me with the indicate to brings my AWARENESS to not get out of my RIGHT side. I think in positive way, therefore I create my own reality in positive way, enjoying it every day along with all my loved ones, helping others within my means." (m.p.)

JESUS CHRIST, ALBERT EINSTEIN, MARTIN LUTHER KING, MALCOM X, NELSON MANDELA, MAHATMA GHANDI, ABRAHAM LINCOLN and JIMMY CARTER have something important to tell us: http://www.iadcro.com/stopbilderberg.html - http://www.iadcro.com/Jesuschrist.html



@ LAW OF ATTRACTION / THE SECRET. FILM: CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD (Full Movie – Factual): http://youtu.be/Te5VU9zf5Gk

@ ATTRACTION LAW - Using the SECRET by WILL SMITH: http://youtu.be/9uc3W8PcCMc

@ 11 Simple steps to help you to use the SECRET: http://youtu.be/9kRINiKO5KQ

@ THE SECRET LAW OF ATTRACTION (Full Movie – Factual): http://youtu.be/LzvnYCKRLsw


AWAKENING 1: You already exist: http://youtu.be/cWm_XAy8Oqc Open your eyes and your heart…

AWAKENING 2: 10 signs of a spiritual awakening: http://youtu.be/lju7g5TlCUY

AWAKENING 3: Awakening Signs: http://youtu.be/Ldo1InK1KLw

AWAKENING 4: LIGHT WORKERS: http://youtu.be/UrQaeoXrVOg

AWAKENING 5: WELCOME TO THE NEW ERA: http://youtu.be/86ICImtqywA

AWAKENING 6: Translation the original OUR FATHER of Jesus in Aramaic without the church interference: http://youtu.be/do5B6Gsckw4 The difference is huge!!!

AWAKENING 7: The Thomas Gospel HIDDEN to the public by the church: http://youtu.be/X_efMdUfky8 Open your mind and your heart…

AWAKENING 8: The Mary Magdalene Gospel HIDDEN to the public by the church: http://youtu.be/5-3MlnCS7ZU Stop DISCRIMINATION, against racist, against the weak and women!!!

AWAKENING 9: Jesus' life during the many years of his life that the church, Hidden us! - How Jesus became Christ:

Part 1 - http://youtu.be/ybLxayl8JeI Part 2 - http://youtu.be/GT6-e24sAlQ Open your mind and your heart...

AWAKENING 10: JESUS = BUDA = JESUS: http://youtu.be/iigd19M0tcI

Jesus Christ the God son said: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me (Whoever believes in his teachings), the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto the Father." (John 14:12)

Jesus Christ knew he would die soon and when he said  "I go unto the Father" was his way to say that he will go to returning to the Source, to the Divine Energy, the Universe, to God or how we want to call it. With these words, Jesus Christ made ​​it clear that it was very important to him, who those were listening him could understand themselves that if they wished it, could become like him and at the end of their lives also return to the Father.

SCIENTIFICALLY proven the many positive effects on humanity exercised since The MEDITATION.

How to MEDITATE in the right way? Change you yourself!!! VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY_JmOtTfx8&feature=youtu.be

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It is necessary to know who are really are behind the problem. IDENTIFY where is the root of social problems plaguing the citizens, for to know and understand what is going on in the environment of the elites, will be the way to unmask the multiple and diverse guilty of all kinds, in order to shed the scum who belongs to a breed corrupt and rotten and regain the stolen WELFARE.

In this life that we live, we have two great battles to try to win as will be us possible, for in this way would can DEBUG and CHANGE our lives and our environment in better way. One battle is inside and the other outside.

To say that the first of it even look simplest, of the two is the hardest battle and the same time the most important for our lives.

The second battle is on track to meet the CRUEL and UNFAIR BILDERBERG  policies, as put already in place and in most world governments; http://www.iadcro.com/corruptsteachers.html -- http://www.iadcro.com/cclubbilderberg1.html

Each one must face the two battles individually, taking their own initiatives and decisions... FORCE and GOOD LUCK!!!

THE LIE WE LIVE, the BILDERBERGS. WALKING BACK TO HOME, expanding CONSCIENCE. VIDEOS: (1/2) http://youtu.be/_1SC9ccIjEo (2/2) https://youtu.be/8nTJ6SwRKuI





There is no doubt that without a radical CHANGE SOCIAL SYSTEM NEVER the SOCIAL WELFARE stolen will be recovered, but in honour to the truth we must also to say, that if no occurs a CHANGE INDIVIDUAL internal SYSTEM each one, NEVER will be possible a CHANGE SOCIAL SYSTEM awaited by all people of good intent, since the leaders of each country are actually the reflection of their own citizens.





Are you LEGITIMATED to require the CORRUPT (politicians, bankers, businessmen, etc..) take what they STOLE (to give it to needy families and to take the houses that have STOLEN the corrupt bankers to be returned to its rightful owners) and be judged individually according to the crimes committed (to there by give EXAMPLE to society, and also show that there is JUSTICE) and target them in JAIL to meet the last day of his sentence without pardons? http://www.fiapbt.net/areyouentitled.html


The Secret of the UNIVERSE or the Secret of GOD is that;WE ARE ALL ONE AND IN ONE WE ARE ALL


We hope that you have been clear that believe in God and make the Law of Attraction are different matters. Above all is belief in God, Universal Energy, Universal Balance, Light or whatever we want to call it. There are many ways to call God, and all this is the same God. There are many ways of how God manifests, not only the traditional. We think we should have our mind more open, and to respect the beliefs and faith of others, in this way for our faith are equally respected.


We hope this will be helpful to you. Remember go slowly, with patience and enjoy learning with all that. If you propose it, You will get it sure!!!


Thank you and GOOD LUCK to ALL!!!


FIAPBT www.fiapbt.net - https://www.facebook.com/pages/federacion-internacional-del-american-pit-bull-terrier/271421886132?sk=wall

P.S. We recommend who interests the content of this information and this videos, keep it on their own computer, because this and similar videos are being removed from Internet continuously by some who do not want its spread. That NOBODY decide for you!!!


EVERYTHING IS RELATED TO EVERYTHING!!! And in 2016http://www.fiapbt.net/2013..html -  http://www.iadcro.com/EASYANDQUICKUNDERSTANDING.html


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- JESUS CHRIST or JESUS CHRIST, BUDDHA, CONFUCIUS, ENOC, THALES of MILETO, PYTHAGORAS, ABRAHAM or BRAHMA, ZARATHUSTRA, MITRA, LAO TSE, KRISHNA, MOHAMMED, etc, revealed The Secretof the LAW OF ATTRACTION in his days, which governing THE 7 UNIVERSALS LAWS, because the true God (Pure LOVE essence and good intentions towards the neighbor) is the same in all places but with different names: http://youtu.be/15qwOiwCe-0 (JESUS CHRIST) - http://youtu.be/iigd19M0tcI (BUDDHA)