Presentantion and IADCRO OBJECTIVES 


Presentación y OBJETIVOS de IADCRO (en español) http://www.iadcro.com/iadcrofb.html



Please, read the wonderful information for your dogs and for you like responsible owner of them, that you can see and read in this message. All the information is real and without profit intention. All the IADCRO services always have been, are and will be for FREE.





Come and suscribe you to the IADCRO team in facebook, we need to you, we wait to you. THANK YOU.


Welcomes to all to your IADCRO Facebook home, that is the same home of your dogs. Will be where you will be, speak the language that you speak and if you wish it, you can participate with us writing in the Web wall and to tell us your experiences, anecdotes with your dogs in the course of the time.


Also, you can to write us your suggestions, recommendations, constructive critics, etc. of every thing of your considering. All this will be welcome and the same time enriching in defence and benefit of our dogs. In addition, it will be an excellent excuse to know new friends around the world with tastes in common and to spend good moments all together, until arrives later or more early, the wonderful moment for celebrating all the together the BSL end.


Indeed now, is when we needed your help more than never in the diffusion about using IADCRO METHOD, since the Spanish Government the same that others American Governments, are valuing at the moment for modifying or not their respective BSL, under the IADCRO considerations. Therefore, is in this just moment, when we needed that all the people heard to us more than ever and we only can obtain it with a great UNION and the effort and work of that UNION will be ORGANIZED and PLANNED right, through IADCRO METHOD   http://www.iadcro.com/diffusion.html  THANK YOU.



IADCRO OBJECTIVES:    http://www.iadcro.com/endbsl.html


UNITED WE STAND". All Together the animal’s lovers of the WORLD with IADCRO, to fight against the unjust and abusive BSL.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, help us to spread this information using the IADCRO METHOD.     http://www.iadcro.com/diffusion.html


Helping us to spread the IADCRO information, not only you are defending a right cause, to BSL races and to their responsible proprietors no, also and at the same time you are defending your dogs, will be of the race that will be, even although they are not of BSL races, since the immense majority of the people who compose the society does not understand of races and when they see a dog although it is not of some BSL race of stature median, great or very great and if it is of black colour ufffff, they are also alarmed eaten by the sensationalism and falsification of means, spilling dangerously all their ignorance against the dogs, whatever its race, its size or mestization.


We try to make understand with the IADCRO information in the hand and with good words to these people, that do not exist dangerous races, and yes Irresponsible Owners who the Law weight, would have to criminalize and to punish severely and even not to criminalize and to mistreat severely all the good and noble dogs being, for the absurd reason without sense, to belong to some of the noble and wonderful canine races, that the politicians at the time criminalized in the BSL like Dangerous races, criminalizing them along with its thousands of responsible owners. We are SENSIBLE please, our goes brings back to consciousness it to be thankful surely, to try to maintain the balance of justice and the reason.


ALERTS    http://www.iadcro.com/alert.html


How can I help and be IADCRO´S member? (Is FREE for ever)   http://www.villaliberty.org/howcanido2.html 



- Please, Please, Please, write your signature for help the American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT), Rottweiler, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro, Tosa Inu y Akita Inu. We need your signature for to stop the BSL in Spain, is probable that very soon it is will be stoped. Take only 30 second and help us NOW please in : http://www.efirmas.com/3996738/index.html 



Please, Please, Please, write your signature for help the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino  and the Fila Braziliero, for will be not banned in Turkey:  http://www.efirmas.com/4015919/index.html


Help us to spread this information please. THANK YOU.



Youtube Video Pit Bull & little Cat    http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=ES&feature=user&hl=es&v=OM0kjSKbw0k




    IADCRO:   http://www.iadcro.com  





In the next comunications media, IADCRO explain with foundaments and reasonings, some even scientists, the nonexistence of Dangerous breeds:


http://www.cuatro.com/1/7-j2hxngpq1cn2y La Cuatro TV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGpJ8SWicfE TV Aragón. Comenzar a verlo a partir del minuto 4´24´´ http://www.cuatro.com/1/7-gkpfc8za4qfk2 La Cuatro TV http://www.elcorreo.com/vizcaya/v/20100613/pvasco-espana/mejor-amigo-pequena-izaro-20100613.html Periódico El Correo http://wms.antena3tv.com:81/europafm/audios/0623_NACHO.mp3 Radio Europa FM http://www.diariovasco.com/v/20100609/al-dia-sociedad/perros-peligrosos-bajo-sospecha-20100609.html Periódico Diario Vasco http://www.antena3.com/noticias/sociedad/pitbull-son-perros-asesinos_2010060800106.html ACAPBT en Antena 3 TV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76nw1hNU5AI Arucitys Tele 5 http://www.eitb.com/videos/noticias/sociedad/detalle/439512/ataques-perros-etb-habla-educador-canino/ TV EITB El científico etólogo y educador canino Don Manuel Villar de Etolcanin, explica las razones del aumento de ataques de perros http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2G8x69Yh1I8&feature=channel Radio Nacional de España http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ4nPZ5LUEw&feature=channel Don Demetrio Madrid (Político histórico del PSOE) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2j3320UgY2o&feature=channel Don Antonio Pozuelos (Científico etólogo) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM1z_ySMWfk&feature=channel Doña Rosana Alvarez (Científico etólogo) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rf9NtQg7-M&feature=channel  Mariano Peinado (IADCRO) http://www.iadcro.com/abc.htm Periódico ABC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_j0_xpjhSw AEPE en Antena 3 TV http://www.cope.es/barcelona-audios-alternativa-23-05-10-102830 Radio “la COPE. Una vez dentro del enlace y pasados los 10 segundos de publicidad, si lo prefieren para no tener que esperar, pueden situar el espaciador de la radio en el minuto 10 y 20 segundos, en donde comienza la entrevista de la COPE a IADCRO.




Since IADCRO we thank so much to all the collaborators, by his offer in helping in this right cause. At the moment the way in that they can collaborate with IADCRO and help in this right cause, is using METHOD IADCRO http://www.iadcro.com/diffusion.html  


Also spreading all the information that you think that is important, which you can see reflected in the IADCRO Web site or in other places that we are not, in which defend the same ideal that us and by priorities according in your criterion. At the moment, the present information and for this reason the more consider at the time to spreading in any means and where you can, is the following one:


Not more criminalisations nor discriminations by the race. http://www.iadcro.com/iadcrofb2.html



In the FIRST IADCRO INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS about BSL, has been demonstrated scientifically the nonexistence of Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous breeds dogs. The SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS message has VALIDED for all the languages and all the countries.  http://www.iadcro.com/informationcongress.html


How can I help to defense the discriminations breed dogs by the BSL?    http://www.villaliberty.org/howcanido2.html




COUNTRIES with BSL WE MUST DOING BOYCOTT  http://www.iadcro.com/boicot.htm

NEWS BOLETIN  http://www.villaliberty.org/newsboletin.html

IADCRO  http://www.iadcro.com  http://www.iadcro.com/information.html

Statistics: http://www.fiapbt.net/statistics.htm   

MEMBER LIST OF IADCRO. http://www.villaliberty.org/iadcrolist.htm

Breed specific legislation failing globally:

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ9Te3A17LQ





Help us to spread this same information also in spanish please:


Ayudanos a difundir esta misma información también en español por favor:


Presentación y OBJETIVOS de IADCRO (en español) http://www.iadcro.com/iadcrofb.html






Also we asked ourselves:




In order to advance by the correct way for ALL, first we must have the eyes well open for not to encounter, since to some bad people not interests them that will open our eyes. They want our eyes closed, is easy to understand. Right?
Evidences than happened in the 11-$. Also we asked ourselves:


Questions badly realised like the BSL, DDA, PPP Law, etc. about, Dangerous breed dogs? Is more than demonstrated even SCIENTIFICALLY, that DANGEROUS BREED DOGS DO NOT EXIST. Also subjects like this Video, where be unmasks the plot that exists behind the subject of PETROLEUM. What is happening? They take us by idiots people by far. No longer we will be stupid, nor marionettes OF ANYBODY.


In the following video, be unmasks some of the existing plots behind the interests of the PETROLEUM, which badly developed entail much negative to the humanity, like for example to enslave the citizens, the extermination of thousands of animal species, to contaminate rivers, seas, the oceans, our planet in general, etc.:  


VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsJAlrYjGz8 


Spanish VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts6VQCgIK9g


The George Bush family, is one of the higher petroliferous trading that exist for many years. Is very understand that them has done, does and will do everything what will be in their hands, even playing dirty for to continue consuming petroleum and to the highest prices, for this way continuing in the elite and having controlled the citizens, even to the Governments of the different societies from each country to which these citizens belong.


The majority of the Bush predecessors and right now his successor Obama in the EE.UU. presidency, are in the same place of the abuser and his partners of the dark side; Rockefeller, the real houses, presidents of Government, industralists, bankers, politicians, etc. etc.


All them conform the elite of the dark side and use Petroleum, the “Legal” traffic of armament, drugs, etc. to make sure OVER EVERYTHING and ALL to continue being in the elite to manipulate the world at his convenience.


In the case of “the Legal” traffic of armament that they realise it, to sell it to the countries that are in wars that they themselves caused in very intelligent and subtle way, to sell the armament that they make, etc. Is easy to understand. They have to us very deceived and MANIPULATED. The bad ones are not so bad and the good ones are not so good, as they want to make believe to us in the mass media.


The existing plots with the PETROLEUM interests and their crazy raised constants, have enough to do with the present economic crisis, since the ascent of petroleum makes raise the rest of the products that consumes the citizen and the wages remain congealed, supposing that they do not dismiss to you directly of the place where you work, of course.


Price of the barrel of crude in 2003 = 25 dollars, 2008 = 125 dollars; Image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/54836034@N03/5358939094/in/photostream 


As always the abuser and his partners deceiving to the citizen, at cost of our health, of our children and their future, at the cost of the health and well-being of the animal, of the MOTHER NATURE, DESTROYING OUR PLANET, to become rich they, who only compose the 2% of the world-wide population.


THE JUSTIFICATION”. What it did not tell to the TV - The Evidences than happened in the 11-$


What it happened the 11-$ in fact, it was a ATTACKS GLIDED BY THE USA GOVERNMENT for this way having the perfect excuse to rob petroleum to some countries, like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. among others questions that benefit to the abuser and his elite, dragging with himself to other countries like Spain, Italy, Portugal, Francia, Alemania, etc. to enter too in war for his benefit, with the citizens damage of this countries:


What happened the 11-$ in fact, it was ATTACKS GLIDED AND REALISED BY THE USA GOVERNMENT, for this way theirs have the perfect excuse and justification for to rob the petroleum of some countries, like Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., among others questions that benefit to the abuser and his elite, dragging with wise picardy to itself to other countries like Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, Germany, etc. also to enter in war for his own benefit, in damage of the citizens of these countries.


This last one, is the birth reasoning of the World-wide crisis that we are suffering at the moment, because we have not leaders who work by and for their citizens, instead are working like dummys in the benefit of the “powerful” abuser:


THE TRUTH OF THE 11-$: http://es.babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-res&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.investigar11s.org&lp=es_en&btnTrUrl=Traducir

Original Web site In Spanish: http://www.investigar11s.org 


VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji7GVU3hVNQ 


The GREATER NEVER COUNTED LIE (10º anniversary of 11$):

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pp48tEmsLpQ&feature=fvwp&NR=1


The French people also have been saw it:

VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9oJfprlB9g&feature=related 


http://investigar11s.blogspot.com/2011/10/guerra-de-libia-jesus-quintero-el-loco.html (Spanish) (Jesús Quintero "El loco soy yo" entrevista en vídeo a Isabel Pisano)


http://antimperialista.blogia.com/temas/11s-autoatentado.php (Spanish) (Pruebas diversas con datos e informes científicos, los cuales demuestran que el 11 S fue un AUTOATENTADO)







In Spanish and original Web site: http://www.iadcro.com/1.html 




In Spanish and original Web site: http://www.iadcro.com/2.html 


3) THEY MANIPULATE TO US THROUGH MASS MEDIA: http://es.babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-res&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iadcro.com%2F19june.html&lp=es_en&btnTrUrl=Traducir

In Spanish and the original Web site: http://www.iadcro.com/19june.html


ELITE STRATEGIES TO MANIPULATE THE CITIZEN MINDS: http://www.iadcro.com/11estrategiasmanipulacion.html
News and Opinions: http://www.iadcro.com/news.html
News by Chapters: http://www.iadcro.com/capitulos.html




If after investigating by this or another places, you do not find the answers that as much long time are you looking for to calm your inner peace, your mind, your spirit and your soul, we think that perhaps you can obtain it meditating and analyzing the keys that appear in this other place:


http://www.villaliberty.org/yoylaverdad-meandthetrue.html  GOOD LUCK and FORCE.